Uncovering the Truth

Prabhat Kesari - News that Matters

Business newspaper article
Business newspaper article

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man sitting on bench reading newspaper
man sitting on bench reading newspaper

First of all

Uncovering the Truth

Get the news that matters to the nation and uncover the deep and hidden propaganda behind the mainstream media.

silhouette of person on window
silhouette of person on window

Not to mention

Uncovering the Truth

Our team of investigative journalists go beyond the surface to reveal the real story behind the news.

man reading newspaper beside street
man reading newspaper beside street

And let's not forget

News That Matters

We bring you the latest news and updates on politics, business, sports, entertainment and more, with a focus on what really matters to the people of India.

About Prabhat Kesari

Prabhat Kesari is a news portal that aims to provide unbiased and informative news to the nation. We believe in uncovering the truth and exposing hidden propaganda.

Uncovering the truth behind the news

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